Could Your Prenatal be Causing Morning Sickness?

Taking a prenatal during pregnancy is essential. It’s something all mothers begin to research once they see the two lines on a pregnancy test. Of course, the best way to take in all the nutrients needed to grow a little one is to eat a well-balanced diet full of veggies, leafy greens, seeds, and so forth, but, prenatal vitamins are designed to fill in the gaps to ensure your baby has all they need to grow healthy and strong. Even if you’re eating a healthy diet, there are still certain nutrients you may be missing that are important for you and, of course, your baby’s development. We believe the Mama Bear Prenatal is for you. 

When I was pregnant with my first, I had so much morning sickness from taking prenatal vitamins. As soon as I stopped taking my daily prenatal, I would feel better. I was not using a low-quality drug store brand and tried different options. Less iron, no iron, but couldn’t find one that wouldn’t make me sick, and so I gave up, and wasn’t able to take one. I knew I wasn’t alone in this struggle; most prenatals are actually making moms feel sick! Isn’t that strange? 

When we at Sprigs decided to create Mama Bear Prenatal, we sat down and asked ourselves, “What was making moms feel this way? With all the nutrients in a prenatal, shouldn’t it make them feel better?”

We found that even with the best nutrients given to our bodies, if we are not able to absorb the ingredients. they won't make a difference and can make us feel sick. This is what happened to me when I was taking a prenatal; my body was not able to absorb the ingredients because the ingredients weren’t in their natural plant-based form. This is why ingredients in their plant-based form are so crucial in a prenatal. 

“We found that combining the vitamins and minerals with a wholefood base, trace minerals, and herbs helps moms to assimilate the nutrients as well as combat pregnancy-related nausea.*” 

This was the game-changing moment for Sprigs. Mama Bear Prenatal uses a wholefood base with specific nutrients that are easy to absorb, along with pregnancy-safe herbs. 

A Gentle Herbal Blend

We’ve included specific herbs such as Red Raspberry Leaf, Dandelion Root, Ginger, and Chamomile. Red Raspberry Leaf is rich in iron and has traditionally been trusted to help strengthen and tone the uterus.* Red Raspberry Leaf has also been known to help increase milk production, relieve pregnancy-related nausea, and some studies have shown the decrease of intervention during birth.* Red Raspberry Leaf has been used for thousands of years, to help balance hormones, supply much-needed antioxidants, and provide vitamins K, C, D, A., potassium, calcium, iron and so much more.* Dandelion root is known for helping support the immune system and helping with the swelling that is common during pregnancy.* Ginger and Chamomile have traditionally been used to help alleviate pregnancy-related nausea and promote relaxation.* 

Wholefood Base: 

Why is the wholefood base important? Simple, they are more absorbable. Because our body is familiar with food, it's easier to digest and absorb into our system and it can even be taken on an empty stomach. Phytonutrient-rich foods help to support, strengthen, and balance a woman’s body during pregnancy. We carefully chose whole food ingredients that make it easy for our bodies to recognize and utilize so that your body can have access to all the nutrients it needs. Pregnancy is much easier when our bodies are getting the nutrients they need to remain healthy, strong, and energized. The right nutrition also helps to ensure that our baby will have the building blocks it needs to support healthy growth and development. 

Trace Minerals: 

We worked with herbalists and midwives to talk through the stages and necessities a mother needs to get through her pregnancy healthy and happy. Mama Bear Prenatal contains a complete daily dose of trace minerals that can help support a healthy balanced pregnancy. Trace minerals are especially important for those mama’s that have been pregnant before as our bodies tend to become more depleted with multiple pregnancies. 

Trace minerals are a natural mineral blend that contains hundreds of micronutrients that you won’t find in most prenatal vitamins. These micronutrients are essential for growth and development. During pregnancy, with all the changes and demands caused by growing a baby, a woman’s body can easily become stressed and cause her to become nutrient depleted. Through pregnancy, recovery, and breastfeeding, trace minerals are essential for you. 

Mama Bear Prenatal is a Complete Balance:

Mama Bear Prenatal is a pure, wholefood based, easy-to-digest pill, formulated for mamas-to-be. Mama Bear Prenatal is made from wholesome, natural ingredients, certified organic herbs, and contain no unnatural preservatives. Mamas love that these vitamins contain certified organic ingredients that are vegan-friendly, as well as containing folate instead of folic acid. A wholefood prenatal is essential, let Mama Bear Prenatal be yours.
