Posts tagged diet
What to Eat for a Healthy Pregnancy

In this article, we will be looking at what types of foods we should be eating for a healthy pregnancy – those that will give both mom and baby all of the nutrients they each need. Once conception takes place, all of the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop will come from your body. If the mother’s body is weak and nutrient depleted, the baby will have a difficult time obtaining the building blocks (nutrients) he/she needs to develop properly.

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How to Avoid Diet Fads and Get Real Results

It’s that time of year again. Without fail, you will have friends that have jumped on to the newest diet fad tell you to join along with them. Most of us want to lose a few pounds and you might be considering it too. Before you do, I want to share some very important pointers on how to know whether or not a diet will be effective before you even start. I’m not going to focus on if it will help you lose weight right away, but what the long term effects will be. If you have dieted before and lost a lot of weight only to regain it, you know how frustrating that can be. Even worse than frustrating, losing and regaining is very bad for your health because it causes a build-up of fat internally around your organs that can cause severe health problems. This is why it’s extremely important to make your diet and lifestyle decisions carefully and consider the long term effects rather than simply focusing on the short term.

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